#WednesdayWisdom: Happiness is a state of mind

Happiness is not just a person or a place or an object. Happiness is a state of mind. Remember, you are responsible for your own happiness. You create it, you control it and you embody it. It is the manifestation of your thoughts. You become the gate keeper of your own feelings and choose your perceptions of both internal and external forces. You layer each piece until you build a shelter that stores your deepest emotions and possess all of the tools to envision your own reality. You have the power to orchestrate a beautiful symphony that is heard through the words you speak. It is your ability to manipulate your consciousness, that allows you to be happy and feel only what you want to feel. Our mind is that strong. You are that strong. Therefore, live the life that makes you happy. Live the life you deserve.

–          Aida M

Monday Motivation- we are our own worst prison


We poses the ability to be who we choose to be, to love whom we desire to love, to learn all that we are capable of learning and to create from the wildest of our imaginations to the deepest of our conscious dreams. We are our own worst prison, trapped in our own fears that keep us from achieving what we are destined to achieve. If we do not let our fears destroy us, then we can forever be free.

– Aida M.images

Thursday Thoughts – Live in its beauty and feel its generosity

When it’s real it can’t be broken. It won’t just fade away like a rainbow after a storm or the sun as the night draws in. When it’s real, it’s here to stay. It’s not there one minute and gone the next. It will stay with you until the last words you speak and the last breath you take. There is no hesitation when it comes to true love, it’s as real as the air we breathe and the touch we feel. It may not always be stable and can get a little hard at times, but the real lies in whether it sticks with you through everything, the good and the bad. It may be the reason you’re hurting or why you’re insecure, but it’s also the reason why you care so much and why your heart feels warm. Nothing compares to this feeling, no amount of money and no amount of worthless attention can amount to the happiness you feel by loving someone and being loved. Never compare it to others; never have expectations of what it should be, just live in the moment with each other. Live in its beauty, and feel its generosity. Treasure it like it’s the most precious thing in the world. Nurture it so its grows and speak only words of kindness. The reason why old flames burn out is because they were never meant to last forever. The flame starts off strong, but eventually withers down to its last flicker. A new flame, if taken care off properly and loved beautifully, can last a lifetime in each other’s hearts. For when it’s real, it will never burn out.

Their eyes speak words of truth

The eyes speak words of truth that the mouth sometimes cannot. They let you see into a persons soul and understand themDeeper than a conversation would allow. The purest of hearts are often the ones that don’t speak loud but their actions are loud enough for the world to see. Often it’s the ones that communicate through passion and love that have the most honest story to tell. The ones who sit their quietly, not uttering words with every breath usually have the most to say. Understanding one expression can convey emotions that the verbal language tends to hold back. If you know someone deep enough to know their every feeling, every thought and every action before the words leave their lips, then you are lucky enough to have found a connection so rare and so pure. A connection that embodies you spiritually and not just physically. A connection that binds two souls, and only those two souls, that cannot be put into words. You are lucky enough to know that person at their purest form, the part that speaks directly from their heart to yours.

To the sensitive souls…

The kindest of hearts are usually the most sensitive. The genuine souls are usually the ones that have hurt the most. They give their whole world to the person that lets them in. They will welcome you with open arms, and trust your every word. However, if you destroy their confidence, lose their respect or break their heart, they will forever put up a wall and shield their heart from you. They are tortured souls, searching for kindness from those who deserve it. They are not able to control their passion, their love is often misunderstood for weakness. This type of person needs the most compassion, they need a love that will guide them back to their happiness. They often shine bright, but their light is overpowered by the darkness that fills their spirit. Despite any struggles they go through, they remain genuine and pure. They become leaders for those who have been broken. And, no matter how much pain they have suffered, how much their heart has been broken, they will accept you and trust your intentions. They are birds, ready to fly, and when loved they spread their wings so beautifully and soar across the sky.
– Aida P 

#MondayMotivation – Knowing the art of love

I found someone who was brave enough to enter my storm. Someone who no matter how much it rained and how big the waves were he still managed to find the calm. Love guides you to your missing piece much like the ocean finds the shore. The sun will always set just as it will rise each morning, the heart is much the same, it has its destiny – it will always lead you to the person youre supposed to be with and nothing can come in between that. Life creates a balance of happiness and sadness – its how you handle the sadness that determines your strength. Love does the same. There is happiness and there is sadness, but the true importance lies in how you deal with both. How you fight through the storm to get to the beautiful blue sky that will always appear. Love is an amazing feeling, a tornado of emotions – it can be beautiful but ugly, strong but deadly and loving but hurtful all at the same time. If you’re lucky enough to find someone who will stick by your side, support you, put you first, know your insecurities and lift you back up, then you can never truly be unhappy.

The art of life is knowing the beauty of love. They say you can’t choose your family, but my family is him. summer_love_wallpaper_rjtz3

The more one lusts; the less one loves

Why do people fall out of love just as quickly as they fall in love? Maybe it’s just this generation, but seems like people just don’t put the effort in anymore, and like magic the whole relationship disappears with no struggle to keep it together. Therefore, whats left is a destruction, nothing but a memory blowing away in the wind.

They say love conquers all, but if that was true then love would defeat any obstacle that stands in its way. Love would beat the odds for two souls doing all they can to become one. Love would be enough to keep people together no matter what storm they may face. However, if love really did conquer all then how could the thought of love for many be more important then actually being in love itself? Where the whole relationship becomes nothing more than a reflection of something it could have been. If a love is worth throwing away after years of being together then what chance is there for a happy ending? Yes relationships are hard, yes they need work but what most people neglect is to realise it takes time. Absence diminishes only small loves, not true love.

But how do you know when its over? When you’ve put more effort in trying then the other person or perhaps when you’re more in love with the memories then the person standing right in front of you? Either way it seems we are looking for something that doesn’t exist, a love that could never happen. Maybe that is the reason why we give up so quickly and maybe that is the reason why we are such an impatient generation. We want and we want but we forget what we truly need and deserve. A representation of true love seems as adequate as the love itself.

Therefore, what I am still trying to figure out is maybe we don’t actually fall out of love but merely lose sight of why we fell in love in the first place. True love is eternal, and if you are blessed enough to experience it then it could never truly depart. How could it, if you look at the word eternal itself its a forever feeling. So, maybe our memories become nothing more then ghosts that haunt us beautifully whenever the thought of our past is brought up. But one thing is evident, the fear of not experiencing love is far more terrifying than keeping your heart locked up everytime the possibility is right in front of you.

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” – plato

‘Thursday Thoughts’: As I began to love myself…

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health- food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism.
 Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”
-Charlie Chaplin, about self love. April, 16th 1959.

This weeks  ‘Thursday Thoughts’ is one of my favourite quotes; I feel words that are inspirational and true are the most empowering and beautiful.

Everyone at one point in their lives embarks on this journey of self discovery and self love and realise all the things that matter in their life and the things that need to be left in the past. His words are said perfectly and I feel everyone can relate to it and use it to re-evaluate their own situations. There was a point in my life where I lost all confidence and I really didn’t know how to love myself and appreciate who I was, it was partly because of the people I surrounded myself with and allowing my insecurities to get the best of me. However, when I realised that the problem wasn’t with me it was with the negativity surrounding me, I began to take on a new perspective on life and allow myself to be alone and use that to focus on the positive things and establish who I really was and who I wanted to be. What I have learnt is, since I went on this journey of self love I found myself to be much happier, stronger, loving and I allowed good people and a good relationship into my life which has been my motivation and my strength to learn how to appreciate not only myself but the beauty of life and what I have achieved and what I am capable of achieving. Allowing someone special to love me, allowed me to do the same and I haven’t looked back since!

So I hope this quote inspires you just as much as it has inspired me. I would love to read your thoughts and what inspires you or your views on this weeks THURSDAY THOUGHTS in the comments below!


What are you waiting for?

As I was thinking of new ideas to write for my blog, it got me thinking; Are we as humans programmed to always want what we can’t have? always wait for what we don’t have right now? and always feel that we would be much happier if we had this or that? It’s crazy to think that we spend so much of our time wishing and wondering and less about enjoying and appreciating. I don’t understand why we do it or why we are wasting our lives looking for future happiness when the only thing that we are wasting is the happiness we have now and the life we are living right this second.

Why wait for summer, enjoy the winter and each day leading up to it. Why wait for love or to be loved, enjoy the love you have from your friends and family and the journey you go through before meeting that special person. Why wait for money? be appreciative of what you have and the people that surround you, they are whats important in life. Why wait for anything? We could wait a lifetime for happiness, the more we wait and the more we wish for stuff the more we lose track of the importance of life and the happiness and love we have right now. It’s one thing to have dreams and goals that we set for ourselves but its another to keep waiting for them to happen and missing out on the amazing journey we go on to get to them.

Remember to enjoy the little things, because one day we might look back and realise we missed what was important. So lets try and enjoy the moment and embrace today and look forward to enjoying tomorrow when it comes. Happiness is achieved when we stop waiting for it.